2024 Precedential Franchise & Income Tax Opinions

Decisions Month Year Cite Decision Type Issues
Novo Nordisk, Inc.December20242024-OTA-679PPrecedentialResearch and development (R&D) credit (IRC 41); calculation of fixed-based percentage (qualified research expenses)
S. Sadatnejad and K. MarconetNovember20242024-OTA-625PPrecedentialWhether appellants’ nonbusiness loss gave rise to a net operating loss (NOL) deductible in other tax years
J. RoNovember20242024-OTA-603PPrecedentialInstallment sale; installment method (election to opt out) (R&TC 17551; IRC 453, 1001; Reg. 15a.453-1)
D. Fischer (Dec'd)October20242024-OTA-518PPrecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability exception does not include any period after taxpayer's death (R&TC 19316)
Gatewood CorporationSeptember20242024-OTA-414PPending PrecedentialEconomic substance
S. Mather and N. Mather - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-378PPrecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, contrary to law, insufficient evidence)
S. Mather and N. MatherSeptember20242024-OTA-377PPrecedentialOther state tax credit (OSTC) (paid to another state) (R&TC 18001)
F. Seddiqui and K. SeddiquiJuly20242024-OTA-280PPrecedentialAdjusted basis of residence (improvements, Cohan rule) (IRC 1011, 1012, 1016)
King Solarman, Inc.May20242024-OTA-203PPrecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (final federal determination) (R&TC 19060, 18622; IRC 6203); accrual method of accounting (IRC 4711; Reg. 1.466-1)
Troublefree, LLC; D. SuttonFebruary20242024-OTA-078PPrecedentialLike-kind exchange (IRC 1031)
W. GelpiFebruary20242024-OTA-072PPrecedentialCharitable contribution deduction (IRC 170); estimating fair market value (appraisal, analysis of subsequent events, etc.)
J. Shanahan - PFRFebruary20242024-OTA-040PPrecedentialStandard for granting petiton for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, newly discovered evidence, insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
J. ShanahanFebruary20242024-OTA-039PPrecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254)
G. DillahuntyJanuary20242024-OTA-024PPrecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
W. SteffierJanuary20242024-OTA-017PPrecedentialAccuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)