2024 Franchise & Income Tax Opinions

Decisions Month Year Cite Decision Type Issues
M. AshDecember20242024-OTA-685NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
Streamline Now LLC.December20242024-OTA-684NonprecedentialPer-partner late filing penalty (R&TC 19172); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
S. IssaDecember20242024-OTA-683NonprecedentialCalifornia method
E. Costante and P. CostanteDecember20242024-OTA-682NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. DalSanto and S. CoxDecember20242024-OTA-681NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. Varanasi and P. TeegavarapuDecember20242024-OTA-680NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Novo Nordisk, Inc.December20242024-OTA-679PPrecedentialResearch and development (R&D) credit (IRC 41); calculation of fixed-based percentage (qualified research expenses)
R. Clapp and M. ClappDecember20242024-OTA-678NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
M. KrugerDecember20242024-OTA-677NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
N. RinconDecember20242024-OTA-676NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
W. BakerDecember20242024-OTA-675NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Gosu, LLC.December20242024-OTA-674NonprecedentialAnnual minimum LLC tax (R&TC 17941); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement fee (R&TC 19254)
T. GiacomaDecember20242024-OTA-673NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Sea Turtle, Inc.December20242024-OTA-672NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
We Evolvetogether Holding Co LLC.December20242024-OTA-670NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Adam Cardon Inc.December20242024-OTA-669NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
D. JacquezDecember20242024-OTA-668NonprecedentialGross income (California adjustment, wages) (IRC 61)
P. WongDecember20242024-OTA-667NonprecedentialOTA jurisdiction (perfected claim for refund) (R&TC 19324; Reg. 30103); statute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. Crowley and E. CrowleyDecember20242024-OTA-666NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
B. Howard and D. HowardDecember20242024-OTA-664NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254)
A. Arun and M. SubramaniDecember20242024-OTA-663NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
CGUCPA LLPDecember20242024-OTA-662NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
M. Rivers and L. RiversDecember20242024-OTA-659NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. GardnerDecember20242024-OTA-658NonprecedentialOTA jurisdiction (taxpayer's tax refund was intercepted by a requesting state agency)
D. Stahl and C. StahlDecember20242024-OTA-657NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
C. Willardson and A. WillardsonDecember20242024-OTA-656NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
Wilshire Imaging Solutions, Inc.December20242024-OTA-653NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
A Uniform CompanyDecember20242024-OTA-652NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144)
Braman Irrevocable Gifting Trust of 2012December20242024-OTA-651NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
O. Zur and J. ZurDecember20242024-OTA-650NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
The Smart Group, Inc.December20242024-OTA-648SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
M. RabeDecember20242024-OTA-647SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133)
R. ManiaciDecember20242024-OTA-646SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
N. WallaceDecember20242024-OTA-645SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. FloresDecember20242024-OTA-644SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
L. BerminghamDecember20242024-OTA-643SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment (gambling winnings)
K. Smith Jr. - PFRDecember20242024-OTA-642SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence)
K. Smith Jr.December20242024-OTA-641SCPNonprecedentialDemand penalty (R&TC 19133)
G. Hecker and J. Hecker; B. Richards and G. Cariste - PFRDecember20242024-OTA-638NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, newly discovered evidence, insufficient evidence, contrary to law, error in law)
G. Hecker and J. Hecker, B. Richards and G. CaristeDecember20242024-OTA-637NonprecedentialEconomic substance doctrine; deduction for loss (individual) (IRC 165(c))
T. Abramson, A. Abramson, D. Teiger, and S. Weintraub-Teiger - PFRDecember20242024-OTA-636NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
T. Abramson, A. Abramson, D. Teiger; and S. Weintraub-TeigerDecember20242024-OTA-635NonprecedentialResearch and development (R&D) credit (IRC 41(d))
R. SchwartzNovember20242024-OTA-632NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
T. RamirezNovember20242024-OTA-631NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC) (R&TC 17052)
K. BayeNovember20242024-OTA-630NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. Clevidence and T. ClevidenceNovember20242024-OTA-629NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
Direct Biologics LLCNovember20242024-OTA-628NonprecedentialPer-partner (LLC member) late filing penalty (R&TC 19172)
M. BargeNovember20242024-OTA-627NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Challenge Transportation LLCNovember20242024-OTA-626NonprecedentialPer-partner (LLC member) late filing penalty (R&TC 19172)
S. Sadatnejad and K. MarconetNovember20242024-OTA-625PPrecedentialWhether appellants’ nonbusiness loss gave rise to a net operating loss (NOL) deductible in other tax years
D. SheraziNovember20242024-OTA-624Nonprecedentiallate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
N. Oakley and J. OakleyNovember20242024-OTA-623NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
O. LeyvaNovember20242024-OTA-622NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
P. HerzogNovember20242024-OTA-621NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
G. Kopytov and S. HristovaNovember20242024-OTA-620NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
J. LamoureNovember20242024-OTA-618NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
V. Sanchez and C. SanchezNovember20242024-OTA-617NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
M. BonhommeNovember20242024-OTA-616NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
M. Pinto and S. JoseNovember20242024-OTA-615NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
P. SlaughterNovember20242024-OTA-614NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); withholding for nonresident partner/shareholdder (R&TC 18662; Reg. 18662-4); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
W. Wang and S. WangNovember20242024-OTA-613NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Innovative Product & Technology Group, Inc.November20242024-OTA-612NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (suspension of corporate powers) (R&TC 19306; 23301.5; 23305)
American Recycling Company, LLCNovember20242024-OTA-611NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. SoodNovember20242024-OTA-610NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136: IRC 6654)
J. RosenblattNovember20242024-OTA-609NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. Nudelman and S. JosephNovember20242024-OTA-608NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
Jetway ExpressNovember20242024-OTA-607NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
R. Clark and K. ClarkNovember20242024-OTA-606NonprecedentialDishonored payment penalty (R&TC 19134; IRC 6657)
Dream Builders and Design Inc.November20242024-OTA-605NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142; 19144); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
R. ClendeninNovember20242024-OTA-604NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. RoNovember20242024-OTA-603PPrecedentialInstallment sale; installment method (election to opt out) (R&TC 17551; IRC 453, 1001; Reg. 15a.453-1)
J. CarranzaNovember20242024-OTA-602NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K & A Investments, Inc.November20242024-OTA-601NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
A. CarranzaNovember20242024-OTA-600NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Brown Field Business Park Owners AssociationNovember20242024-OTA-599NonprecedentialInterest abatement
M. PotterNovember20242024-OTA-598NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
C. Masters and M. MastersNovember20242024-OTA-597NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D 65 Enterprises, Inc.November20242024-OTA-596NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. Hickingbotham IV and J. HickingbothamNovember20242024-OTA-595NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
E. Bjorlin and A. BjorlinNovember20242024-OTA-594NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136: IRC 6654); one-time penalty abatement (R&TC 19132.5); interest abatement
Landon Dorn Irrevocable Trust Dated June 25, 2020, Levi Dorn Irrevocable Trust Dated June 25, 2020November20242024-OTA-593NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
F. MobleyNovember20242024-OTA-592NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
F. LopezNovember20242024-OTA-591NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. Rassibi and M. RassibiNovember20242024-OTA-590NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
J. Butler and V. ButlerNovember20242024-OTA-589NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
A. Majlessi and N. Azar November20242024-OTA-588NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. RaineyNovember20242024-OTA-587SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. RoblesNovember20242024-OTA-586SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
F. YoosefianNovember20242024-OTA-585SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
L. WongNovember20242024-OTA-584SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Ryan R. Plewe DDS, MS Inc.November20242024-OTA-583SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
B. Larson and R. LarsonNovember20242024-OTA-582SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
J. Kersey (Dec'd)November20242024-OTA-581SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment (pension income)
T. Law and D. Law - PFR November20242024-OTA-578NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing
T. Law and D. Law November20242024-OTA-577NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
T. MaplesOctober20242024-OTA-576NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Novogradac and B. Forsberg-Novogradac (Dec'd)October20242024-OTA-575NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
A. Maxwell and J. FauteuxOctober20242024-OTA-574NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
F. BeerOctober20242024-OTA-573NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
E. Pinto and K. MinorganOctober20242024-OTA-572NonprecedentialDeferral of capital gain property (IRC 1400Z-1, 1400Z-2; R&TC 17024.5)
Murrieta Commercial Land Properties #2October20242024-OTA-571NonprecedentialPer partner late filing penalty (R&TC 19172)
P. Shiah and Y. ChenOctober20242024-OTA-570NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
C. Sawdye and J. MorisanoOctober20242024-OTA-569NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. SinghOctober20242024-OTA-568NonprecedentialFederal adjustment
J. RodinoOctober20242024-OTA-567NonprecedentialRidesharing credit (R&TC 17053, 23605)
Meridian Industries, Inc.October20242024-OTA-566NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
C. AlanizOctober20242024-OTA-565NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (appellant did not provide physician’s affidavit) (R&TC 19316)
H. Kumar and A. KumarOctober20242024-OTA-563NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
P. Diochon and S. DiochonOctober20242024-OTA-562NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); last known address (R&TC 18416)
S. HernandezOctober20242024-OTA-561NonprecedentialRidesharing credit (R&TC 17053); young infant credit (R&TC 17052.20)
W. HeimanOctober20242024-OTA-560NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. Norris and S. ZappOctober20242024-OTA-558NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
V. DevallOctober20242024-OTA-556NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
A. Kochhar and S. KochharOctober20242024-OTA-555NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
M. Wang and E. WangOctober20242024-OTA-554NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
C. RezaOctober20242024-OTA-553NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
W. MaierOctober20242024-OTA-552NonprecedentialFederal adjustment
L. Vanpelt and M. VanpeltOctober20242024-OTA-551NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Clearview Healthcare Holdings, LLC.October20242024-OTA-550NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136: IRC 6654)
D. Fernandes and M. FernandesOctober20242024-OTA-549NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
Damle Consulting, Inc.October20242024-OTA-548NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
S. Lim and D. WongOctober20242024-OTA-547NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
L. SlivinskyOctober20242024-OTA-546NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
F. Escheman and N. EschemanOctober20242024-OTA-545NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
Tapatio Foods LLCOctober20242024-OTA-544NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
B. MenendezOctober20242024-OTA-543NonprecedentialClaim of right credit/deduction (unrestricted right) (R&TC 17049; IRC 1341)
J. Puschell and D. PuschellOctober20242024-OTA-542NonprecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (R&TC 19057); federal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
L. BrancolinoOctober20242024-OTA-541NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133)
P. Phibbs and C. PhibbsOctober20242024-OTA-540NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
H. Rabbie and L. JazayeriOctober20242024-OTA-539NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
A. Scott and S. ScottOctober20242024-OTA-536NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
H. Yun and H.Y. SeoOctober20242024-OTA-535NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
T. Reen and P. Nanda-ReenOctober20242024-OTA-533NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
L. Edelberg and M. CardasOctober20242024-OTA-532NonprecedentialElectronic payment (e-pay) penalty (R&TC 19011.5)
A. GallOctober20242024-OTA-531NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
C. YatesOctober20242024-OTA-530NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; interest abatement
A. ShaknazaryanOctober20242024-OTA-529NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. TeagueOctober20242024-OTA-528NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
S. Pisanis and B. PisanisOctober20242024-OTA-527NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; statute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (R&TC 19060)
S.E. Shebley-Jonard and S.L. Shebley-JonardOctober20242024-OTA-526NonprecedentialLow-emission vehicle credit (R&TC 17052.11)
B. RicciOctober20242024-OTA-525NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Marketing Holdings, Inc.October20242024-OTA-523NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); per shareholder late filing penalty (S corporation) (R&TC 19172.5)
US Acquireco IncOctober20242024-OTA-522NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142)
A. AjithOctober20242024-OTA-521NonprecedentialResidency (R&TC 17014, 17041); domicile
W. BakerOctober20242024-OTA-520NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. Fischer (Dec'd)October20242024-OTA-518PPrecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability exception does not include any period after taxpayer's death (R&TC 19316)
R. Byrd and C. Nelson-ByrdOctober20242024-OTA-517NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Tutman and E. TutmanOctober20242024-OTA-516NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
A. Sinha and R. SinghOctober20242024-OTA-515NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; Reg. 6654)
D. JansmaOctober20242024-OTA-514NonprecedentialOTA jurisdiction (appellant mistakenly submitted appeal letter to FTB, not OTA) (R&TC 19324; Reg. 30202, 30203, 30103)
M. LachtmanOctober20242024-OTA-513NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
The Muhs 1992 PartnershipOctober20242024-OTA-512NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
M. PenrodOctober20242024-OTA-511NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. Sullivan and M. SullivanOctober20242024-OTA-510NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
B. TajamiOctober20242024-OTA-509NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. MontagnaOctober20242024-OTA-508NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; Reg. 6662)
M. Head and V. HeadOctober20242024-OTA-507NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
Vendome Investments, LLC.October20242024-OTA-506NonprecedentialPer partner (member) late filing penalty (LLC) (R&TC 19172); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
C. BentoOctober20242024-OTA-505NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A6 Group LLC.October20242024-OTA-504NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
V. MitsicouridesOctober20242024-OTA-502NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
P. McCallumOctober20242024-OTA-501NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
A. Rubio and T. RubioOctober20242024-OTA-500NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
C. RoseOctober20242024-OTA-499NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement fee (R&TC 19254)
D. HiltOctober20242024-OTA-498NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&RC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
Hin Land Investment LTDOctober20242024-OTA-497NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
N. GardnerOctober20242024-OTA-496NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Taqueria Los Magueyes, LLC.October20242024-OTA-495NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); per shareholder late filing penalty (R&TC 19172.5); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144)
G. Legaspi and E. LegaspiOctober20242024-OTA-494NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); one-time abatement for a timeliness penalty not applicable (R&TC 19132.5); interest abatement
M. KumarOctober20242024-OTA-493NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
L. ThomasOctober20242024-OTA-490NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; interest abatement
M. BarnhartOctober20242024-OTA-489NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
D. LamOctober20242024-OTA-488NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
R. Tam and A. TamOctober20242024-OTA-487NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
S. WardOctober20242024-OTA-486NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
E. KuhlmanOctober20242024-OTA-485NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. SinghOctober20242024-OTA-484SCPNonprecedentialEstimation of income (mortgage interest) (R&TC 19087)
T. Harrington and G. HarringtonOctober20242024-OTA-483SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty(R&TC 19132); interest abatement
S. Pal and W. PalOctober20242024-OTA-482SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments
Witty Acronym, LLC.October20242024-OTA-481SCPNonprecedentialPer-partner late filing penalty (R&TC 19172); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Grandview House Inc.October20242024-OTA-480SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144); interest abatement
Estate of D. Klingman (Dec'd)October20242024-OTA-479SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
C. RognlieOctober20242024-OTA-478SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
W. LouckaOctober20242024-OTA-477SCPNonprecedentialGross income (adjusted gross income) (IRC 61); itemized deductions (investment expenses); interest abatement
Williford Commercial Properties, L.P.October20242024-OTA-476SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); per-partner late filing penalty (R&TC 19172)
D. Vargas and M. VargasOctober20242024-OTA-475SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
M. Bowen - PFROctober20242024-OTA-474SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, newly discovered evidence)
M. BowenOctober20242024-OTA-473SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. Wardak and H. Wardak - PFROctober20242024-OTA-472SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings)
A. Wardak and H. WardakOctober20242024-OTA-471SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments (miscellaneous itemized deductions)
R. Torres - PFROctober20242024-OTA-470NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings)
R. TorresOctober20242024-OTA-469NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
J. Axelrod - PFROctober20242024-OTA-468NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law)
J. AxelrodOctober20242024-OTA-467NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
S.W.S. Realty, LLC; M. Shoraka and K. Shoraka; S. Shoraka; B. Shoraka; S. Shidfar; J. Varjavand - PFROctober20242024-OTA-466NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law, error in law)
S.W.S. Realty, LLC; M. Shoraka and K. Shoraka; S. Shoraka; B. Shoraka; S. Shidfar; J. VarjavandOctober20242024-OTA-465NonprecedentialLike-kind exchange (IRC 1031)
R. Lemus and K. Zepeda - PFROctober20242024-OTA-462NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing
R. Lemus and K. ZepedaOctober20242024-OTA-461NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
S. Gonzalez - PFROctober20242024-OTA-460NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law, error in law)
S. GonzalezOctober20242024-OTA-459NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement; frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
S. Dhawan and A. Dhawan - PFROctober20242024-OTA-452NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law, insufficient evidence)
S. Dhawan and A. DhawanOctober20242024-OTA-451NonprecedentialStock options and restricted stock units (ordinary income vs. capital gain) (IRC 83(b) election) (IRC 83, 421, 422, 423 )
H. Motu - PFROctober20242024-OTA-450NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law)
H. MotuOctober20242024-OTA-449NonprecedentialGross income (IRC 61)
H. Ji - PFROctober20242024-OTA-448NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law)
H. JiOctober20242024-OTA-447NonprecedentialCalifornia subtraction (distribution from S corporation is taxable to shareholder) (IRC 1363, 1366)
M. DakerSeptember20242024-OTA-446NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
T. Hast and C. HastSeptember20242024-OTA-444NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
W. Haley and J. HaleySeptember20242024-OTA-443NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
W. KendallSeptember20242024-OTA-441NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
R. DamourSeptember20242024-OTA-440NonprecedentialGross income (wages) (IRC 61); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
J. ArceSeptember20242024-OTA-439NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. JamesSeptember20242024-OTA-438NonprecedentialAccuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
K. KanfoudiSeptember20242024-OTA-436NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
C. GoldsteinSeptember20242024-OTA-435NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. RossSeptember20242024-OTA-434NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
G. Lo and C. LoSeptember20242024-OTA-432NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
R. Scofield (Dec'd)September20242024-OTA-431NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
M. Gallegos and D. GallegosSeptember20242024-OTA-430NonprecedentialFederal adjustment
D. MalwahSeptember20242024-OTA-429NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
D. Hazara and J. KaurSeptember20242024-OTA-428NonprecedentialFederal adjustment; bankruptcy
J. GlossSeptember20242024-OTA-426NonprecedentialGross income (pension income) (IRC 61)
J. GreenSeptember20242024-OTA-425NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
C. CloverSeptember20242024-OTA-424NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. GerdesSeptember20242024-OTA-423NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. MooreSeptember20242024-OTA-422NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087)
B. TanahuviaSeptember20242024-OTA-421NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. YafehSeptember20242024-OTA-420NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Z. ChenSeptember20242024-OTA-419NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. Ziemann and J. RhodesSeptember20242024-OTA-418NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
L. Wittlinger and G. WittlingerSeptember20242024-OTA-417NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. HallSeptember20242024-OTA-416NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (COVID-19) (R&TC 19316)
J. De LeonSeptember20242024-OTA-415NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
Gatewood CorporationSeptember20242024-OTA-414PPending PrecedentialEconomic substance
G. HerediaSeptember20242024-OTA-413NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); first-time abatement (19132.5)
Latara Enterprise, Inc.September20242024-OTA-412NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
R. Calabria and C. StewartSeptember20242024-OTA-410NonprecedentialForeign taxes paid (not deductible for California purposes) (R&TC 17220; IRC 164)
A. Sanchez Flores and T. SanchezSeptember20242024-OTA-409NonprecedentialGross income (wages) (IRC 61); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
J. Komarek (Dec'd)September20242024-OTA-408NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
S. ScurichSeptember20242024-OTA-407NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
H. Yi and M. ZhouSeptember20242024-OTA-406NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
Larry H. Miller GST TrustSeptember20242024-OTA-405NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Living Foods, LLCSeptember20242024-OTA-404NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. SmithSeptember20242024-OTA-403NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
M. WoellertSeptember20242024-OTA-402NonprecedentialFederal adjustment
M. BriggsSeptember20242024-OTA-401NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (federal adjustment) (R&TC 19306, 19311); overcollection
J. Gamper and E. GamperSeptember20242024-OTA-400SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment (gambling winnings)
A. Malekshahi and A. AssmarSeptember20242024-OTA-399SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
P. Mrkaich and S. MrkaichSeptember20242024-OTA-398SCPNonprecedentialInterest abatement
P. CotoSeptember20242024-OTA-397SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
E. Hasso and M. Mikhaeel - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-396SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence)
E. Hasso and M. MikhaeelSeptember20242024-OTA-395SCPNonprecedentialFederal gross income (Schedule CA adjustment) (IRC 61); financial hardship
P. McNicoll - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-392NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence)
P. McNicollSeptember20242024-OTA-391NonprecedentialElectronic payment (e-pay) penalty (R&TC 19011.5)
M. Winters and A. Jenks - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-382NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing
M. Winters and A. JenksSeptember20242024-OTA-381NonprecedentialOther state tax credit (OSTC) (R&TC 18001); unreimbursed employee business expenses; miscellaneous itemized deductions
M. Lynch - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-380NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law, error in law)
M. LynchSeptember20242024-OTA-379NonprecedentialGross income (wages) (IRC 61); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
S. Mather and N. Mather - PFRSeptember20242024-OTA-378PPrecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, contrary to law, insufficient evidence)
S. Mather and N. MatherSeptember20242024-OTA-377PPrecedentialOther state tax credit (OSTC) (paid to another state) (R&TC 18001)
H. HamedaniAugust20242024-OTA-375NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K. Erman and B. ErmanAugust20242024-OTA-374NonprecedentialGross income (IRC 61); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 197614; Reg. 30217)
A. AzureAugust20242024-OTA-373NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund
A. Matharu and J. MatharuAugust20242024-OTA-372NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
P. Elsbree and K. ElsbreeAugust20242024-OTA-371NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K. Conway and L. ConwayAugust20242024-OTA-370NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
O. Tran and T. TranAugust20242024-OTA-369NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
L. SmithAugust20242024-OTA-368NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
G. Anderson and S. AndersonAugust20242024-OTA-367NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. Cisneros and R. CisnerosAugust20242024-OTA-365NonprecedentialOTA jurisdiction (requirement that taxpayer file a valid claim for refund) (R&TC 19322; Reg. 30103)
E. Manvelyan and A. GaribyanAugust20242024-OTA-364NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. PoliAugust20242024-OTA-363NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. Seymour and M. SeymourAugust20242024-OTA-362NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Pastores and E. GarciaAugust20242024-OTA-361NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K. Carter and P. CarterAugust20242024-OTA-360NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. Hinson and B. ReedAugust20242024-OTA-359NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
L. Estepa and F. Estepa (Dec'd)August20242024-OTA-358NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K. BuscaglioAugust20242024-OTA-357NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Gonzalez OrtizAugust20242024-OTA-356NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC); young child tax credit (YCTC)
E. Esplin and M. EsplinAugust20242024-OTA-355NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. GillottiAugust20242024-OTA-354NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
K. ClarkAugust20242024-OTA-352NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
K. BaileyAugust20242024-OTA-351NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
J. Ramirez and M. PalominoAugust20242024-OTA-350NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
R. PerezAugust20242024-OTA-349NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (overpayment) (R&TC 19306)
R. GainesAugust20242024-OTA-348NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. Maleh and S. MalehAugust20242024-OTA-347NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
D. RamirezAugust20242024-OTA-346NonprecedentialGross income/ adjusted gross income (subtraction) (IRC 61); burden of proof.
J. WeberAugust20242024-OTA-345NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
P. Patel and V. PatelAugust20242024-OTA-343NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. OrnsteinAugust20242024-OTA-342NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
M. BoernerAugust20242024-OTA-341NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. TrenevAugust20242024-OTA-340NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. Bays and L. BaysAugust20242024-OTA-339NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); COVID-19
D. WalkerAugust20242024-OTA-338NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. Mauldwin and B. MauldwinAugust20242024-OTA-337NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. Weinstein and C. WeinsteinAugust20242024-OTA-335NonprecedentialAdjusted basis
Beauty Products DirectAugust20242024-OTA-334SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); underpayment of estimated LLC fee penalty (R&TC 17942); interest abatement
S. E. Gill and S. C. GillAugust20242024-OTA-333SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
Z. HabashAugust20242024-OTA-332SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. ZanazanianAugust20242024-OTA-331SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments
J. Smith and M. Garcia SmithAugust20242024-OTA-330SCPNonprecedentialInterest abatement
D. KeithlyAugust20242024-OTA-329SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. GradyAugust20242024-OTA-328SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
M. Shapiro and C. ShapiroAugust20242024-OTA-327SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
R. Weaver and M. WeaverAugust20242024-OTA-326SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. SternAugust20242024-OTA-325SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. AbrahamiAugust20242024-OTA-324SCPNonprecedentialEstimation of income (mortgage interest payments) (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
K. ShahAugust20242024-OTA-323SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. BruleyAugust20242024-OTA-322SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
Silverado Lodging Co., LLC; C.V. Patel; K.C. Patel; J.V. Patel; and J.A. Patel- PFR August20242024-OTA-321NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
Silverado Lodging Co., LLC; C.V. Patel; K.C. Patel; J.V. Patel; and J.A. PatelAugust20242024-OTA-320NonprecedentialLike-kind exchange (exchange requirement, substance over form) (IRC 1031)
C. Parkes - PFR August20242024-OTA-319NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
C. ParkesAugust20242024-OTA-318NonprecedentialFlow-through partnership losses (dividend distributions vs loans); incorporated pocketbook theory
S & I Construction, Inc. - PFRAugust20242024-OTA-317NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (accident or surprise; insufficient evidence)
S & I Construction, Inc.August20242024-OTA-316NonprecedentialCost of goods sold; business expenses (IRC 162); Cohan rule
J. Veikos - PFR August20242024-OTA-315NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing
J. VeikosAugust20242024-OTA-314NonprecedentialGross income/adjusted gross income (subtraction) (IRC 61); burden of proof
D. Schryer - PFR August20242024-OTA-311NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
D. SchryerAugust20242024-OTA-310NonprecedentialCapital gain (IRC 1001, 2011, 1012, 1016); other state tax credit (OSTC) (R&TC 18001); rental activity (for profit) (183, 212); equitable estoppel, res judicata, collateral estoppel
P. Goel and N. GoelJuly20242024-OTA-307NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
K. ZychlewiczJuly20242024-OTA-305NonprecedentialGross income (IRA distribution) (IRC 61)
W. TuckerJuly20242024-OTA-303NonprecedentialFederal adjustment
B. Goldman and L. BenceJuly20242024-OTA-302NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
I. DonchishinJuly20242024-OTA-300NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
S. MooreJuly20242024-OTA-299NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. Manson and A. KerrJuly20242024-OTA-298SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
5 Friends Foods Inc.July20242024-OTA-297SCPNonprecedentialPer shareholder late filing penalty (R&TC 19172.5)
On1Design LLCJuly20242024-OTA-296SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
M. LeBlancJuly20242024-OTA-295SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
P. YoungJuly20242024-OTA-294SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); proof of mailing (Gov. Code 11003; R&TC 21027; Reg. 30219)
Manesh LLCJuly20242024-OTA-293SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
Z. HabashJuly20242024-OTA-292SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (proof of mailing) (R&TC 19306)
M. Onga and K. KaraanJuly20242024-OTA-291SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. NestorasJuly20242024-OTA-290SCPNonprecedentialEstimation of income (Form 1099) (R&TC 19087); financial hardship; late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
R. LoebJuly20242024-OTA-289SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. Suna and M. SunaJuly20242024-OTA-288SCPNonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
J.Blau - PFR OpinionJuly20242024-OTA-283NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence, accident or surprise, contrary to law)
J. BlauJuly20242024-OTA-282NonprecedentialCalifornia apportionment percentage (tiered partnership; lower tier passthrough entity) (R&TC 25128); interest abatement
F. Seddiqui and K. Seddiqui - PFR OpinionJuly20242024-OTA-281NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, newly discovered evidence, insufficient evidence)
F. Seddiqui and K. SeddiquiJuly20242024-OTA-280PPrecedentialAdjusted basis of residence (improvements, Cohan rule) (IRC 1011, 1012, 1016)
L. BelleyJune20242024-OTA-278NonprecedentialCanadian pension income (California resident, no foreign tax credit, other state tax credit inapplicable) (R&TC 17041)
G. GomezJune20242024-OTA-277NonprecedentialPension income (early distribution) (IRC 72(t); R&TC 17085)
L. Igarashi (Dec'd) and P. IgarashiJune20242024-OTA-276NonprecedentialWorthless stock deduction (IRC 165(g)); installment sale (IRC 453); capital loss carryover
D. Wallace, Jr. (Dec'd)June20242024-OTA-275NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
M. Escobar AyalaJune20242024-OTA-273NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC)
FS Health Systems, LLCJune20242024-OTA-272NonprecedentialDoing business in California ($800 annual LLC tax) (R&TC 17941, 23101)
F. Cabrera and G. CabreraJune20242024-OTA-271NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
J. O'NeillJune20242024-OTA-270NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
K. Sanders-McCree and C. McCreeJune20242024-OTA-269NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
C. Lukins (Dec'd)June20242024-OTA-268NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
V. TongJune20242024-OTA-267NonprecedentialElectronic payment (e-pay) penalty (R&TC 19011.5)
T. PalmerJune20242024-OTA-266NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
N. QuesadaJune20242024-OTA-265NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
J. MorganJune20242024-OTA-264NonprecedentialItemized deductions (generally, claimed)
J. Gillette and S. GilletteJune20242024-OTA-263NonprecedentialResidency (R&TC 17014, 17041)
Southern California Pipe Trades Retirement FundJune20242024-OTA-262NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
J. Ono and A. OnoJune20242024-OTA-261NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
R. Sundararajan and R. ChakrapaniJune20242024-OTA-260NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
B. Critchfield and M. CritchfieldJune20242024-OTA-259NonprecedentialCalifornia method
C. Leal and S. LealJune20242024-OTA-258NonprecedentialInterest abatement
E. Hernandez (Gomez)June20242024-OTA-257NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (overcollection) (R&TC 19306)
J. Dragna and L. CampobassoJune20242024-OTA-252NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
C. Ramos and L. RamosJune20242024-OTA-251NonprecedentialInterest abatement
M. HeptnerJune20242024-OTA-250NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. HillJune20242024-OTA-249NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (COVID-19) (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
L. DominguezJune20242024-OTA-248NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. GouldJune20242024-OTA-247SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment (pension income)
B. Ybarra and C. YbarraJune20242024-OTA-246SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
E. MaldonaldoJune20242024-OTA-245SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
Ingrain Systems, Inc.June20242024-OTA-244SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (corporation) (R&TC 19142, 19144)
J. HegartyJune20242024-OTA-243SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
I. Lewis (Waugh)June20242024-OTA-242SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); (postmark, proof of mailing) (Treas. Reg. 301.7502-1; R&TC 21027)
R. Diaz and M. DiazJune20242024-OTA-241SCPNonprecedentialLow Emission Vehicle (LEV) credit carryover (Assembly Bill 1341)
A. GandiJune20242024-OTA-240SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
T. Kim and A. Kim - PFRJune20242024-OTA-239SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (appellant did not specifically list grounds for rehearing)
T. Kim and A. KimJune20242024-OTA-238SCPNonprecedentialS corporation (pass-through income); Health Savings Account (HSA) (IRC 106(d); R&TC 17131.4)
McGarvey-Clark Realty, Inc.; Avis Budget Group, Inc. - PFRJune20242024-OTA-229NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law)
McGarvey-Clark Realty, Inc.; Avis Budget Group, Inc.June20242024-OTA-228NonprecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (final determination) (R&TC 18622, 19057, 19060); statutory merger (IRC 368(a)(1)(A))
T. HoffmannMay20242024-OTA-227NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087)
T. FloresMay20242024-OTA-226NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
W. Kelly and C. KellyMay20242024-OTA-224NonprecedentialOther state tax credit (OSTC)
D. S. Kahng (Dec'd)May20242024-OTA-223NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
F. Johnson and H. JohnsonMay20242024-OTA-222NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
A. Proctor and T. ProctorMay20242024-OTA-221NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (combat zone) (R&TC 19306, 18571; IRC 7508)
R. BobusMay20242024-OTA-220NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); overcollection
M. VanceMay20242024-OTA-219NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306, 19311); overcollection, equity
G. Liu and J. LuMay20242024-OTA-218NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
Worthington Oil & Gas CorporationMay20242024-OTA-217NonprecedentialSales factor (occasional sale) (R&TC 25137)
K. Morris and L. MorrisMay20242024-OTA-216NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
F. Xu and F. ZhangMay20242024-OTA-215NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
S. Joo and Y. JooMay20242024-OTA-214NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
K. Shibou and S. ShibouMay20242024-OTA-213NonprecedentialGross income (gift, Canadian Old Age Security income) (IRC 61)
J. Ludwig and J. LudwigMay20242024-OTA-212NonprecedentialEstimation of income (employee, wages) (R&TC 19087); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714; Reg. 30217)
GTM Architects, Inc.May20242024-OTA-211NonprecedentialPer-shareholder late filing penalty (R&TC 19172.5); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
N. CatinariMay20242024-OTA-209NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); filing requirement; late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
C. BeattyMay20242024-OTA-208NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); frivolous return penalty (R&TC 19179)
M. Fong and D. FongMay20242024-OTA-207NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
E. Lawless and C. LawlessMay20242024-OTA-206NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
J. PignataroMay20242024-OTA-205NonprecedentialFederal adjustment; accuracy-related penalty R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
A. JonesMay20242024-OTA-204NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement/collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
King Solarman, Inc.May20242024-OTA-203PPrecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (final federal determination) (R&TC 19060, 18622; IRC 6203); accrual method of accounting (IRC 4711; Reg. 1.466-1)
M. CrumpackerMay20242024-OTA-201NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714; Reg. 30217)
E. ByersMay20242024-OTA-200NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC) (R&TC 17052; IRC 32); young child tax credit (YCTC) (R&TC 17052.1)
S. Alvarado and M. PlazaMay20242024-OTA-199NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC) (R&TC 17052; IRC 32); young child tax credit (YCTC) (R&TC 17052.1)
P. Mrdjen and J. MrdjenMay20242024-OTA-198NonprecedentialAccuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
H. Placheta and L. PlachetaMay20242024-OTA-195NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
W. Oster and M. HashimotoMay20242024-OTA-194NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. ParkerMay20242024-OTA-193NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19316); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
J. TwoMay20242024-OTA-192NonprecedentialEstimation of income (mortgage interest) (R&TC 19087)
B. Clarke and M. ClarkeMay20242024-OTA-191NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Jetstream Acquisition, LLC and Jetstream Acquisition, LLC (C SGNF)May20242024-OTA-190NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
P. PaopaoMay20242024-OTA-189NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
S. Ammerman and A. AmmermanMay20242024-OTA-188NonprecedentialResidency (R&TC 17014); interest abatement
N. Tupper and J. TupperMay20242024-OTA-187SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
S. LentheMay20242024-OTA-186SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
N. TomasinoMay20242024-OTA-185SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
S. KingMay20242024-OTA-184SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. Assh and C. LemayMay20242024-OTA-183SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
J. Sandot and G. SandotMay20242024-OTA-182SCPNonprecedentialCalifornia method
D. RyazanovMay20242024-OTA-181SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
S. AgarwalMay20242024-OTA-180SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Y. Bayani and A. BayaniMay20242024-OTA-179SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
F. VenegasMay20242024-OTA-178SCPNonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filiing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
J. GrecoMay20242024-OTA-177SCPNonprecedentialErroneous California refund (California adjustment) (R&TC 19368); interest abatement
J. MarksMay20242024-OTA-176SCPNonprecedentialInterest abatement
G. Smith and P. ReyesMay20242024-OTA-175SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
J. Kassab - PFR OpinionMay20242024-OTA-174NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence)
J. KassabMay20242024-OTA-173NonprecedentialFederal adjustment (gambling losses); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
T. Kalili - PFR OpinionMay20242024-OTA-172NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing
T. KaliliMay20242024-OTA-171NonprecedentialOTA jurisdiction (refund of restitution payments pursuant to criminal plea agreement)
M. Mills - PFR OpinionMay20242024-OTA-170NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence, contrary to law)
M. MillsMay20242024-OTA-169NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filiing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
V. Burns - PFR OpinionMay20242024-OTA-168NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficent evidence)
V. BurnsMay20242024-OTA-167NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
N. Saifan, Jr. and N. Saifan - PFR OpinionMay20242024-OTA-166NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, contrary to law)
N. Saifan, Jr. and N. SaifanMay20242024-OTA-165NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
A. KwokApril20242024-OTA-164NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
A. AsbellApril20242024-OTA-162NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254)
R. O'HareApril20242024-OTA-159NonprecedentialElectronic payment (e-pay or e-payment) penalty (R&TC 19011.5)
C. PerryApril20242024-OTA-158NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (COVID-19) (R&TC 19306)
D. ForbesApril20242024-OTA-157NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); lien fee
S. AlmendaresApril20242024-OTA-156NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC)
J. Goldstein and A. GoldsteinApril20242024-OTA-153NonprecedentialCalifornia method
J. BussApril20242024-OTA-152NonprecedentialCapital asset vs inventory (ordinary loss, capital loss) (IRC 1221)
N. BrambilaApril20242024-OTA-151NonprecedentialFederal adjustment; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
D. Day and C. DayApril20242024-OTA-150NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
E. Xu and W. CheungApril20242024-OTA-149NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
N. SmeetsApril20242024-OTA-148NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
J. HaneyApril20242024-OTA-147NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
A. Soto and L. SotoApril20242024-OTA-145NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
K. Fine and D. FuApril20242024-OTA-144NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
M. Camarena and M. CamarenaApril20242024-OTA-143NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
Alvaco Trading Company, Inc.; Alvaco Trading Company, Inc. (Group Return 540 NR); V. Alvarez C. Alvarez; A. Alvarez and P. Alvarez (Dec'd)April20242024-OTA-142NonprecedentialUnitary business; business income (R&TC 25120(a); Reg. 17951-4); constitutional claim
D. PerezApril20242024-OTA-141SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment (pension income, early distribution) (R&TC 17085; IRC 72); hardship (installment agreement, offer-in-compromise)
B. MillerApril20242024-OTA-140SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
F. Abiprabowo and W. BudimanApril20242024-OTA-139SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
D. Abecassis and B. AbecassisApril20242024-OTA-138SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
S. HorwitzApril20242024-OTA-137SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
A. Dharwadkar and P. AggarwalApril20242024-OTA-136SCPNonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654)
C. ShainiApril20242024-OTA-135SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Shaprow Funding, LLC - PFRApril20242024-OTA-133NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (newly discovered evidence, insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
Shaprow Funding, LLCApril20242024-OTA-132NonprecedentialGross receipts (security deposits) (IRC 61); taxable gain (IRC 1001)
Microsoft Corporation and Subsidiaries - PFRApril20242024-OTA-131NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law; irregularity in proceedings, newly discovered evidence)
Microsoft Corporation & SubsidiariesApril20242024-OTA-130NonprecedentialSales factor (foreign dividends included in CA sales factor denominator without reduction for dividend received deduction) (R&TC 24411, 25106, 25120, FTB Legal Ruling 2006-01)
E. DruenMarch20242024-OTA-129NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcment fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
D. Fretwell and S. SteeleMarch20242024-OTA-128NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
P. SullivanMarch20242024-OTA-127NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
R. Carrillo and N. CarrilloMarch20242024-OTA-126NonprecedentialInterest abatement
W. CarterMarch20242024-OTA-125NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
R. Stansbury and C. StansburyMarch20242024-OTA-124NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
D. Callister and T. YoungMarch20242024-OTA-123NonprecedentialOther state tax credit (OSTC)
L. Dietz and N. DietzMarch20242024-OTA-121NonprecedentialFederal adjustments (wages, charitable contribution) (IRC 170); accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
Colin Hamblin, A Professional Medical CorporationMarch20242024-OTA-120NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133)
S. KhanMarch20242024-OTA-119NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Segal and A. SegalMarch20242024-OTA-118NonprecedentialBad debt deduction (carryover) (IRC 166)
E. OstroMarch20242024-OTA-116NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
A. Mescobi and T. MescobiMarch20242024-OTA-115NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
R. EmeryMarch20242024-OTA-114NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
L. EgwuatuMarch20242024-OTA-112NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); overcollection
A. HoffMarch20242024-OTA-110NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
G. QuevedoMarch20242024-OTA-109NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcment fee (R&TC 19254)
L. DamMarch20242024-OTA-108NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (COVID-19) (R&TC 19306)
J. ParkerMarch20242024-OTA-107SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penaty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
C. Bercun and B. SiegelMarch20242024-OTA-106SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
D. BassilyMarch20242024-OTA-105SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustment; residency (R&TC 17041); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
T. Jones and J. JonesMarch20242024-OTA-104SCPNonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
T. Aryom - PFRMarch20242024-OTA-103NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing.
T. AyromMarch20242024-OTA-102NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
E. Sage - RevisedMarch20242024-OTA-101SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
E. Sage - PFRMarch20242024-OTA-100SCPNonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing.
L. AlonzoFebruary20242024-OTA-098NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
W. FabryFebruary20242024-OTA-097NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; California method (R&TC 17041)
M. Magnusson and B. MagnussonFebruary20242024-OTA-096NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
M. SaxonFebruary20242024-OTA-095NonprecedentialLike-kind exchange (IRC 1031)
C. Martines and S. MartinesFebruary20242024-OTA-094NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
B. MakaiauFebruary20242024-OTA-092NonprecedentialCalifornia adjustment (subtraction); burden of proof
A. DenicolaFebruary20242024-OTA-091NonprecedentialGross income (IRC 61); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
S. Yari and L. Yari February20242024-OTA-089NonprecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (12-year statute of limitations for abusive tax avoidance transaction, ATAT) (R&TC 19057, 19755)
D. Duarte Jr. and D. DuarteFebruary20242024-OTA-088NonprecedentialCalifornia method, resident, nonresident, part-year resident, nonearning spouse (R&TC 17041)
J. SteenFebruary20242024-OTA-087NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
B. AndersonFebruary20242024-OTA-086NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
Praxis Optical Networks, Inc.February20242024-OTA-085NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
D. NuFebruary20242024-OTA-084NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. Siegel and A. WeillsFebruary20242024-OTA-083NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
E. Guillen and V. AguileraFebruary20242024-OTA-082NonprecedentialGross income (wages) (IRC 61); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
D. BrownFebruary20242024-OTA-080NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
M. Powell and B. PowellFebruary20242024-OTA-079NonprecedentialFederal adjustments
Troublefree Sutton, LLC; D. SuttonFebruary20242024-OTA-078PPrecedentialLike-kind exchange (IRC 1031)
N. AudainFebruary20242024-OTA-077NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (COVID-19) (R&TC 19316)
R. Callender and M. CallenderFebruary20242024-OTA-076NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
S. Kanhaiya and S. KumarFebruary20242024-OTA-075NonprecedentialInterest abatement
A. KwokFebruary20242024-OTA-074NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
W. GelpiFebruary20242024-OTA-072PPrecedentialCharitable contribution deduction (IRC 170); estimating fair market value (appraisal, analysis of subsequent events, etc.)
Bosco Constructors, Inc.February20242024-OTA-071NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
H. Rahman and A. EngstromFebruary20242024-OTA-069NonprecedentialDemand penalty (R&TC 19133); interest abatement
F. NavarroFebruary20242024-OTA-068NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC) (R&TC 17052, IRC 32)
U. MazoFebruary20242024-OTA-067NonprecedentialEarned income tax credit (EITC) (R&TC 17052, IRC 32); young child tax credit (YCTC) (R&TC 17052.1)
D. StroudFebruary20242024-OTA-066NonprecedentialDemand penalty (R&TC 19133)
P. Thompson and K. ThompsonFebruary20242024-OTA-065NonprecedentialStatute of limitations for FTB to issue NPA (R&TC 19057, 19060); federal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
W. MillerFebruary20242024-OTA-064NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); interest abatement
A. BuxtonFebruary20242024-OTA-063NonprecedentialInnocent spouse relief (R&TC 18533(b), (c), (f))
Chaney Family TrustFebruary20242024-OTA-062NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Palwol LLCFebruary20242024-OTA-061NonprecedentialAnnual minimum tax for LLC (R&TC 17941); late payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
M. Howell and S. HowellFebruary20242024-OTA-060NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
Active Concepts, LLCFebruary20242024-OTA-059NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
R. RodriguezFebruary20242024-OTA-058NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. West and M. WestFebruary20242024-OTA-057NonprecedentialEstimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136); interest abatement
J. Erskine and H. ErskineFebruary20242024-OTA-054NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
E. AbramFebruary20242024-OTA-052NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254)
K. KelleyFebruary20242024-OTA-051SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments
R. BindiFebruary20242024-OTA-050NonprecedentialFederal adjustment (pension or annuity income)
M. McCawFebruary20242024-OTA-049NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
W. KlingemannFebruary20242024-OTA-048SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. AvilaFebruary20242024-OTA-047SCPNonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
Newbeeba, Inc.February20242024-OTA-046SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); per-shareholder late filing penalty (R&TC 19172.5)
S. Kaur and W. SwartwoodFebruary20242024-OTA-045SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
J. JagadishFebruary20242024-OTA-044SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
A. Martinez and M. MartinezFebruary20242024-OTA-043SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); collection cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254); interest abatement
C. Eldridge - PFRFebruary20242024-OTA-042NonprecedentialStandard for granting opinion for rehearing (OTA jurisdiction) (Gov. Code 15672, 15674)
C. EldridgeFebruary20242024-OTA-041NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)
J. Shanahan - PFRFebruary20242024-OTA-040PPrecedentialStandard for granting petiton for rehearing (irregularity in proceedings, accident or surprise, newly discovered evidence, insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
J. ShanahanFebruary20242024-OTA-039PPrecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133); filing enforcement cost recovery fee (R&TC 19254)
Corundum Diversified Apartment Fund IV AI LLC - PFRFebruary20242024-OTA-038NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law)
Corundum Diversified Apartment Fund IV AI LLCFebruary20242024-OTA-037NonprecedentialPer-member LLC late filing penalty (R&TC 19172); interest abatement
J. Lee and V. Lee - PFR February20242024-OTA-036NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (contrary to law, newly discovered evidence)
J. Lee and V. LeeFebruary20242024-OTA-035NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); demand penalty (R&TC 19133)
J. Chung and J. AhnJanuary20242024-OTA-033NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136; IRC 6654); interest abatement
J. MaatJanuary20242024-OTA-032NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; interest abatement
D. BelfordJanuary20242024-OTA-029NonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
I. MosheJanuary20242024-OTA-028NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
K. Smith and B. SmithJanuary20242024-OTA-027NonprecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662); interest abatement
L. RogersJanuary20242024-OTA-025NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
G. DillahuntyJanuary20242024-OTA-024PPrecedentialFederal adjustments; accuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
R. Medrud and E. MedrudJanuary20242024-OTA-022NonprecedentialGross income (IRC 61); paid family leave R&TC 17083; IRC 83)
T. Mannerino and J. MannerinoJanuary20242024-OTA-021NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); interest abatement
J. MunozJanuary20242024-OTA-020NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
C. Presti and C. StagniJanuary20242024-OTA-019NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
W. Steffier January20242024-OTA-017PPrecedentialAccuracy-related penalty (R&TC 19164; IRC 6662)
C. WalterJanuary20242024-OTA-016NonprecedentialErroneous refund (R&TC 19368); interest abatement
K. Zito and K. ZitoJanuary20242024-OTA-015NonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); estimated tax penalty (R&TC 19136)
R. Wang and Q. ZhouJanuary20242024-OTA-014NonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306); financial disability (R&TC 19316)
T. Bledsoe and L. BledsoeJanuary20242024-OTA-013SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments (car and truck expenses; travel expenses; meals and entertainment expenses; other business expenses)
E. TaylorJanuary20242024-OTA-012SCPNonprecedentialDishonored payment penalty (R&TC 19134; IRC 6657); interest abatement
N. SuwannagateJanuary20242024-OTA-011SCPNonprecedentialLate filing penalty (R&TC 19131)
Compnova LLCJanuary20242024-OTA-010SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); per-member LLC late filing penalty (R&TC 19172); underpayment of estimated LLC fee penalty (17942)
M. McCoyJanuary20242024-OTA-009SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
D. ThompsonJanuary20242024-OTA-008SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments
M. Minutillo and A. CarollaJanuary20242024-OTA-007SCPNonprecedentialLate payment penalty (R&TC 19132)
M. RamirezJanuary20242024-OTA-006SCPNonprecedentialFederal adjustments; interest abatement
S. LambJanuary20242024-OTA-005SCPNonprecedentialStatute of limitations on claim for refund (R&TC 19306)
G. Hobbs - PFR OpinionJanuary20242024-OTA-002NonprecedentialStandard for granting petition for rehearing (insufficient evidence, contrary to law)
G. HobbsJanuary20242024-OTA-001NonprecedentialEstimation of income (R&TC 19087); late filing penalty (R&TC 19131); frivolous appeal penalty (R&TC 19714)